
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Self-Reflection on Teaching Abilities

My teaching ability is honest based on challenges.  This year I went to a more high risk school and I quickly had to adjust my instructional practices.  I only needed to make minor adjustment for my Physics class.  However, I haven't taught Biology in years and the modifications were harder for several reasons:  1) the entire administrative team was new, and was not prepared or honest about the reality of the skill deficient of most 9th and 10th grade students. 2) I really didn't understand the depth of the deficiencies but I was honest about them. 3)  The data we were given was not up to date, not complete and not in one general location.  4)  The SIS was very antiquated and did not provide data.  I called it data and now I know the new word is analytics.

In essence, this year has affirmed that my strengths as an instructor is in teaching 11th and 12th grade students or more mature 10th graders.

My professional growth plan is fluid and based on societal trends and changes in the family dynamics to which learning adapts - this being  a constant area of concern that warrants development.  Because I do work with parents on educational issues, I am constantly acquiring knew information and developing my skills.  My learning curve tends to be short because I have to make quick decision about what we are able to do as an organization and what requires outside assistance.  

This training was very helpful. I have learned more about differentiation, which I always considered an area of strengths.

More importantly, it was self motivating; once I started and saw the potential in it, I was hooked. I tried to complete the lessons with fidelity.  It was not a huge jump to get in the virtual class mind-set because I use a blended learning environment setting.

My artifacts that I offer at this time is the ones that I have submitted, which shows a level of knowledge, skills and abilities generated from this course.

I am honor by the opportunity to learn.  It has been very beneficial.

Phyllis Austin


Evaluate 2.1.2 Rubrics and Competencies Forum

The unit of study is Kinematics.

I set up two competency structures.  One for Project Based Learning to take into H.O.T. of Blooms Taxonomy level.  The other for competency at the Individual: Knowledge and Understanding levels.

The first rubric is for building a roller coaster.

The second rubric reflects the individual's ability to take proper measurements and perform calculations.

Note:  Had a problem uploading the rubric under tools for rubric in LMS.  Instead I loaded both rubrics in course content section.

 First Rubric
 Second Rubric

Data Driven Instruction, Analytics, Reporting Tools

It was not clearly defined if the student progress data was from one of the enrolled courses. It is unclear if the data comes from one teacher or one class. 

 I made the following analysis based on the progress data.

1)  The dates were all in September, early in the fall semester.  Therefore, are these students familiar with the online protocol?  The teacher may want to call students directly and ask why the aren't accessing the class content.

2)  Approximately 50% of students are failing based student progress data.  It is reasonable to predict that there will be a 50% failure rate if the trend continues with no intervention or students will drop the course.

3)  After calling, I would set-up a synchronous class session to promote a since of community and jump start a 'buy in' to the class and its expectation.

4) I would generate a weekly check list and newsletter for students and parents.

Summative Assessment

Here's my summative assessment link:

Test Friction and Forces for Honors Physics Students    (Question six's diagram was given on another sheet)

In  Physics, especially in Honors Physics, I am not just trying to assess knowledge but have students motivated to do more demanding problems.  However, it does come down to assessing the knowledg in the standards, so the lower level student can still make a good grade by focusing on Levels 1 and 2 skilled problems.

You will notice the skill level differentiation:

Level 1 (5 and 10 point question)
Level 2 (10 and 15 point question)
Level 3 (15 and 20 point question)

Validity:  You will notice there is a similar tone and design in the questions.  The questions relate to the standards being measured.

Reliability:    The biggest factor for me in reliability is for the question to be very clear in what it is asking.

Security:  It important that all student have the same start position.  Therefore, I generally create test the night before, most times I don't know the questions on a test ahead of time.  So, security is rarely an issue.

Quality Feedback

1) Here are the help notes generated when working with a student.  She wanted me to email them to her. So, they were in my iPad.

 The answers are generated so the student knows what steps (during G.U.E.S.S.) of solving the problem they incurred difficulty.

G:  Given
U: Unknown
E: Equation
S: Substitution
S; Solve and Answer

2) Here is a link to a student assignment,  problem set and its answers.

Notice in the answers, the student knows what steps (during G.U.E.S.S.) of solving the problem they incurred difficulty.

Another tool is the Instructional Board.  Students tend to have problems with Graphing.  Therefore, the instructional board displays their group graphing work with their comments on what were the areas of concern and what cause them not to get a higher grade. Students can check their graphing work with the instructional board on graphing.  Basically, they are self - evaluating their work before they submit it  and they can discuss areas of concern with groups members of a group who scored high.

Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment

The assessment  I made in Quia, I put in Coursesites by Blackboard.

A teacher can do a game, puzzle, or video with q and a.  There are a variety of formative assessment.  One form is during synchronous session is to upload a question and allow a certain number of responses or minutes for discussion to support understanding.  Then ask the students to collaborate on a 1 rational logical statement, the length is up to them.

There are various forms of delivery:  Course content page, email discussion board, and upload in Drop box for students to access formative assessment are some.

Create 4.1.3 Aggregating Lesson Material Forum


1) WIZ Iq
Live, online classes
In the virtual classroom with all the digital benefits at your fingertips, you can interact online using
  • Images, PowerPoint presentations and documents
  • Full way audio and video sharing
  • Live chat enhances the interaction amongst the participants
  • Control Privileges with you having full control over the class like in real-world classroom
All classes on WizIQ are automatically recorded so that you can revisit and even search for a certain topic anytime at your convenience
Build your educational network
On WizIQ, you can enter your subject interests and discover who else on WizIQ shares similar interests with you. Initiate contact with members around you to exchange knowledge, content and to help each other work towards common goals such as preparing for an exam or assignment

2) SchoologySchoology is a versatile education platform that streamlines content management: instructor tools, integration platform, global learning community, curriculum management, analytics and more. 

3)  Adobe Captivate 8
Adobe Captivate 8 software reimagines the way interactive eLearning is created for a multi-device world. Develop any-screen mobile learning without programming using all-new responsive authoring. Now use an intuitive UI to transform PowerPoint presentations into engaging eLearning using actors, voices, interactions, and quizzes. Leverage best-in-class HTML5 publishing to deliver any content to mobile devices, the web, desktops, and leading LMSs. 

Create 4.1.2 Principles of Building Portable Learning Objects Forum

#1: I used Quia to make this game that reveals a picture if student order to metric prefixes correctly from high to low value. Use at the very beginning of Physics to introduce the reviewing of the Metric system.

 #2 I used Blendspace
Intended use is to introduce Newton's 1st law of motion to High School Physics Students:  Opening Activity   

learning content authoring


LessonWriter by Lesson Writer
From what we can gather from their website, LessonWriter is a tool for teachers that allows them to create lessons from any passage. These courses allow teachers to be creative with their lesson plans and also saves them a great deal of time.

Create  games, quizzes, diagrams and activities

The Multimedia Learning Object Authoring Tool by Tim Wang, John Bratlien, Liang Shao
The Multimedia Learning Object Authoring Tool enables content experts to easily combine video, audio, images and texts into one synchronized learning object



Create your own educational games, quizzes, surveys, and web pages. Search millions of games and quizzes created by educators around the world

Articulate Storyline 

Create polished interactive courses with Articulate Storyline, the only e-learning authoring software that grows with you

Locating Resources

Roller Coaster:  The Image

Roller Coaster: The Text

Roller Coaster:  Text and Videos!)

3.1.2 Fair Use and the TEACH Act Forum

  • How does an understanding of Fair Use affect one’s role as an online instructor?
My role as an online instructor is impacted positively by allowing access to copyrighted material for Educational and Research purposes.  Therefore, I am able to introduce a wealth of knowledge embedded in copyrighted material.  I think that fair.  Knowledge is Power and we cannot hold knowledge hostage.

  • How do Fair Use and the TEACH Act correlate to the delivery of reliable content?
The delivery of the reliable content has to be made within certain parameters to receive protection under Fair Use and the TEACH Act.  
The parameters are:
1) Specific amount
2) Enrolled Student
3) Password Protected
4) Cannot retain copy  past the class session

Monday, June 9, 2014

3.1.1 Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons Forum

Open Education Resources - Learning material that everyone can use may available and accessed online.

These are the various Creative Common licenses one may encounter when searching for resources:
Attribution. All CC licenses require that others who use your work must give you credit the way you request, but not in a way that suggests you endorse them or their use. If they want to use your work without giving you credit or for endorsement purposes, they must get your permission first.
NonCommercial. You let others copy, distribute, display, perform, and (unless you have chosen No Derivative Works) modify your work, but not for commercial purposes unless they get your permission first.
ShareAlike. You let others copy, distribute, display, perform, and modify your work, as long as they distribute any modified work on the same terms. If they want to distribute your modified work under other terms, they must get your permission first.
NoDerivatives. You let others copy, distribute, display and perform only original copies of your work. If they want to modify your work, they must get your permission first

2.1.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment Forum

My tool of choice that aligns differentiation and assessment is Toondoo.  My brother has Dyslexia.  He really became an avid reader of comic books.  However, he was retained.  I can only imagine what learning he would have been able to demonstrate if this technology world existed in the 70's.

The student can use Toondoo to go into a world of creativity.  Selecting characters and creating dialog, being the superhero to solve a complex global problem, show the devastation of deforestation,  etc.  There is an endless amount of knowledge and understanding that can be demonstrated in a comic strip or story board.

Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Teacher Instruction

Lesson:  Introduce words associated with Newton's laws of Motion.
I use Wordle to create the vocabulary we will use in the study of Newton's laws of motion.

Wordle: Newtons's 1st law of motion

In science, we have a literacy component.  The text I used to create the assignment is actual a reading that I require of students.

So, the assignment would be to create a rational and logical reading text from the Wordle instrument.  Next, I would introduce the reading assignment and see if we can find similar statements.

2.1.1 Web Tools Forum

Categories of Web 2.0 tools

Presentation tools:  Prezi, Slide share, Picviewr

Video Tools:  Voki, Jing, Animoto, Photopeach

Mobile Tools: Poll Everywhere ,,

Survey and Real time assessment: Poll Everywere, Socrative

Podcasts: Audioboo, Evermore, Audacity

Community Tools:  Ning, Edmodo, Google Drive,, Cisco webex,  Go-to-meeting

Storage and Sharing:  Drop Box, Posterous, Google Drive

Text Display:  Wordle, Tagxedo

Each tool listed is free or has a very low cost associated with its usage.

The value of the tools make learning more interactive.
In addition, the tool differentiates the learning based on its instructional presentation, interactive level and the learner's learning style / mode of intake.

Create 1.1.3 Appearance Forum

Benefits of layout, media, and appearance. 

Layout - High contrast between background color and object of focus 
Media -  Many images are used, formatted shapes with texts and videos
Appearance - Attention to spacing

Please identify ten instructional sites
GPB Physics and Chemistry Video
SAS Curriculum
Cool Math

GA Virtual Schools
Physics classroom
McGraw Hill Instructional SitesPhysics central
Kahn Academy

Biology Corner

Five sites which exemplify sound design ideals 
GPB Physics and Chemistry Video
SAS Curriculum
Cool Math

GA Virtual Schools
McGraw Hill Instructional Sites

Five that do not adhere to these standards
Physics classroom - Use a lot of reds which hurt the eye
Physics central - They have a lot of still shots, not interactive, very wordy
Khan Academy - There instruction videos are not appealing, especially compared to GPB Physics / Chemistry instructional videos
Merlot - Is not user friendly...very crowded usage of space
Biology Corner - A lot of slide presentations without sound or interactive component.  Basically, you resort to reading slides.

*I loved THINKQUEST but they are no-longer online.  Found that out during 2nd semester.

Create 1.1.2. Creating a Content Map

I used to create this content map for rollercoaster project.

Create 1.1.1 Time Management Forum

The following tools are what I used to make more effective use of my time.  These tools  have work for me well in my personal and business life.  The online world is the same for implementing these time management tools. Only the work location changes from a physical setting to an online setting.

1) Consider Your Biological Prime Time.
I  called this working my strengths.  I do the most intensely focused work when I am most alert.  The biggest gain is that the work is done in the shortest amount of time.
2) Do the Right Thing Right:  I learned from a colleague that you only suppose to touch student's work once for assessment and evaluation.  When a student turns in an incomplete assignment  for me to grade, it slows down the assessment.  Therefore,  I want them to have all the tools to do it right the first time and I give them many opportunities to ask questions and collaborate with peers about assignments.  I inform students they are no do-overs.  However, you can negotiate an extension based on unforeseen circumstances or lack of understanding.
3) Spend Time Planning and Organizing:  I suggest to students and parents to make sure the students have all the tools needed to complete the assignment when they start the assignment.  Whatever you believe you need should be available for immediate use.  This saves a lot of time and frustration in starting and stopping a project.  

4) Restrictions:  I put restrictions on the use of my time by others...They must have a plan, be prepared and give me a time.  I tell them how must time I will allot them for assistance.  If the plan is good and they need additional time...Great. If not, that's it.  In the business world, I am a little more flexible.  However, my colleague knows I do expect professionalism.

5) Goals:  Set reasonable goals.  This means you have to be honest about how you work and what the completion of the task requires.  Early in a task, you may need to adjust the time allowance for the goal.  Do it.  

Synchronous Session

As a freshman in college, I took a really hard course, Zoology.  I did not know that the instructor of the course was infamous in being rigid.  I didn't think it was that bad.  It was stadium seating and I sat in the front row.  She gave us the introductory sermon of look to the left and right, two of you will not be here.  Well, I was one of the two.  I dropped the course the first semester.

However, I registered for it during the Spring.  I went to her and asked what was I doing wrong when I encountered difficulty.  We talked.  I calculated my grade at the end of the semester to be a 'B'.  It was.  By the end of the Spring semester,  this professor knew my name.

This is what Synchronous learning is about, the online student becomes more than an ID number or a name on a roster.  The student becomes human, you make a connection and that connection is motivating, inspiring and promotes self-efficacy.

As told in this story, a face-to-face class is not in spirit synchronous.  It's only when the student connects with you, the teacher does real motivation and learning truly begins.  At the end of the school year, my principle ask a teacher, how were you able to get the high EOCT passing rates.  She simply stated, "I liked those students".

Synchronous class elements allows us to present, sell and collaborate.  It allows us, as teachers to connect with the students and build an online community of collaboration, support and where the independent student is valued and their existence is validated.

Communicate 4.2.3 Discussions

  • What role or purpose do discussion forums serve in the online classroom and are they effective?
The key role/purpose for discussion forums is to share information.  Discussion forums are very effective in their role to share information by allowing many students to participate and post they thoughts, ideas, resources, findings, etc.
  • How do discussion forums function as a teaching tool?
Peer teaching:  You are learning from your peers based on what is being presented and the vetting  the information through replies, Q and A, and sharing of supporting thought and resources.
  • How could they be used effectively and ineffectively?
Discussion boards are used effectively when they result in high volume  of sharing information, which facilitate student progression towards learning goals.   Ineffective usage results in the hindrance of  progression towards learning goals like sarcasm, negative comments, none participation by students, etc. 

  • Furthermore, what are some best practices for facilitating forums online?
    ü  Respond to the first thread of all student responses and ensure that the post addresses the essential elements
    ü  Highlight selections from the prompt, reading, or thematic focus of the student’s response in the initial feedback
    ü  Integrate audio commentary in the response
    ü  Link to external resources, readings, or websites for further study
    ü  Rely on the Socratic Method in all Discussion Forums

Communicate 4.2.2 Digital Feedback Forum

Three+ Digital Feedback Resources

Voki:  I really like using Voki in the digital feedback arena.  It has great connection to the creative learner.

Evermore and Audacity are great for podcasting.  I have downloaded Audacity and will use it.  Using a podcast  compared to written instrument greatly enhances the timely turnaround of the feedback.

Meme and Toondoo are great for creating images as feedback instruments.

Communicate 4.2.1 Feedback Forum

Assignment:  Building a Rollercoaster

Objective: Students will build their own small-scale model rollercoaster to analyze  physics principles learned in the associated lesson. They will examine conversions between kinetic and potential energy and frictional effects to design roller coasters that are completely driven by gravity.

SP1. Students will analyze the relationships between force, mass, gravity, and the motion of
a. Calculate average velocity,
g. calculate centripetal force

SP3. Students will evaluate the forms and transformations of energy.
a. calculate PE, KE, work


Notice the area for Constructive Feedback.

Communicate 4.2.1 Rubrics Forum

Here's the rubric I created using Rubistar.

Communicate 4.1.1 Evaluation Methods and Communication Practices Forum

  • How do communication practices in the online environment correlate to effective feedback?
The online student is an independent learner.  As such, all communication have to be effective feedback giving the students information needed to make prompt adjustment to adhere to and complete course objectives and expectations. 

  • Why is authentic feedback important for online learners?
The online student is not privy to non-verbal communication, which exists in a face to face classroom.  Subsequently , the communication needs to be direct and precise feedback in real time.  In addition, the online student  tends to have more rigid timelines to complete the curriculum that may be optional in a face to face classroom.  

  • In what ways might an instructor enrich a student’s online experience through feedback?
Through real time interactive assessment and discussions focusing on student post and participation, the instructor feedback is more immediate, specific, significance and therefore has greater value.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Communicate 3.2.2 Differentiation

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I think the talking avatar is so cool.  Love it.  The talking images will probable become a favorite.  I like podcast.  They are great for short instructions.

WINNING: The Winner in You

"WINNING: The Winner in You" Next on Classroom DNA w/ Phyllis Austin
Please invite young people 19+ to listen to show...
Today @ 4pm CST / 5pm EST

Communicate 3.2.1 The Newsletter

Three effective forms of communication

1)  Synchronous class - Online discussions and chats:
Get informed, ask questions, get answers and get informed

2) Get text reminders via cell phones.  I use

 3) Weekly Newsletters: Updating students and parents weekly.


Announcements and News items:

Many LMS like Blackboard has an announcement section on the homepage, which allows for announcements and news items.

I plan to incorporate announcements and news items on the homepage and allow them to run for 7 days.  I will update the announcements/news items every 7 days.  I can email students once the of the posting.

The sources I would reference are the creators of the articles.  For the most part, I would link to the story or news article.

Here is a screen shot of my homepage.  You will notice the announcement section carrying the story.   If you were to click on the announcement, you will see the full story with the link and embedded video.


Saturday, June 7, 2014


These are my three reasons for ongoing communication:

1)  Understanding of content, objectives and goals
2)  Positioning:  Performance and grade updates
3)  Reminders and words of encouragement


Tools use to introduce and engage families in the communication process:

The welcome letter is very good.  I send it home and email it.  It's good to ask parents to respond to the email via email, this allows one to cross reference the email on file.  I believe the welcome letter is a personal note.   

Also in the welcome, you need to list other communication tools and ask parents for their effective communication method.

As a teacher, I think you should follow up with a mass communication to the stakeholder by the 3rd week.

Unfortunately, we do have to train some parents concerning appropriate communication and school policy on communication especially communication devices that may tend to disrupt the learning environment.

Do not forget community stakeholders.  Learn the stakeholders who can aid with the school / teacher mission.  Businesses, social clubs etc. are commonly overlooked in the school community.


When considering the stakeholders in the virtual classroom, I think it very important for the student to manage their time for work completion so the communication can occur in a timely fashion.  

As a parent, it is very important to help monitor student progress and remove any barrier that may impede completion of tasks.

The teacher really needs to monitor and communicate to the student and parent of strengths and weaknesses.  However, the teacher may not be aware of factors contributing to the student's low performance or completion rate.

The teacher also needs to recognize trends in class performance and alert an administrator or facilitator. If necessary, appropriate modification such as  added resources may need to be made in a reasonable time.  Facilitator may use information for possible program modifications.

Other stakeholders in an online environment are those at the next level once the student complete the course.  For example, college professors who will receive secondary level students.  Communication with these individuals assure that the learning environment is properly preparing students.  Of course we will not disclose student personal information but we can do a data analysis to make sure that we are giving students the best class setting that is available.

Other stakeholders not listed is the community at large to keep them abreast of the program and its benefits to the community and the need of support.


  • How can one refrain from violating FERPA guidelines in online communication?
  • DO NOT share grades in emails unless specified by administration.  Example: Sarah Smith has a 74% in class. She needs to continue to complete her work in a timely manner.
  • DO request a phone call with a parent to discuss the numerical grade.
  • DO NOT share information about student with anyone other than the parent/guardian.
  • DO indicate to third parties to contact the parents of such student in regard to progress.
  • DO have the right as parents and students to ask for educational records.

  • What methods could be employed to verify that copyright is not being violated?
  • Ask for permission anD when in doubt follow protocol, usually found in the employee manual, or ask the go to staff person on copyright law. In most K12 environments, it is the Media Specialist.

  • Does copyright require that all work, images, words, and graphics must be original?

    No.   For example, if you wrote a book, only the original work of the author in the book is protected.  I got permission from Howard Gardner to use his work on Multiple Intelligence in my book.  So the part in my book that discusses Multiple Intelligence is not included in the copyright of my work in the book.


The question of how have my communication skills change with the innovation of technology?

I actually communicate more.  Technology has allow me to author books and writings with my ideas and publish them.  In addition, I can send message via text or email when I am thinking of someone at a time that might be inappropriate for a phone call, like during the work day instead of waiting for a lunch break. I have not substituted the  face to face or phone communication I would normally have with individuals.  Even during the work day, I will go find a colleague or co-worker to get the human conversation that I desire and value.  I try to get to know people with whom I work.

How have advancements in technology altered classroom communication? 

The biggest alteration is in the development of the blended classroom.  Communication can be 24/7.  When I know an assignment will be challenging, I tell my students when I will look at emails or Edmodo and respond to questions.

I use to inform students of new postings, resources, modifications, etc.

The classroom setting has gone beyond the brick and mortar.  

The downside technology is in face to face communication with students who have not developed their communication skills and respect for thought.  

Will these change further?

Change is inevitable.  Therefore, the question becomes how or can we predict a direction.  I believe that we are going to spend more time as a face to face teacher developing verbal communication skill and a respect for thought.


Mobile learning is the trend that will make the most impact over the next 5 years, especially in K12 at the secondary level.

High school students and low income students are setting the trend in this area.  Smartphones are the drivers in mobile learning.  Many low income families have smartphones instead of broadband internet access at home or tablets.

In the United States, the increasing view of technology to the student is mobile, personal and small - that's the smartphone, ipad and tablet.  Digital learning is going to have to play on this small device.  For the underprivileged where money is an issue the device of choice is the smartphone.


Top LMS/CMS vendors and their association with specific learners:

1) Moodle...Higher Ed / Business
2) Edmodo...K12
3) Connect ED...K12
4) BlackBoard...K12/Virtual learner/Higher Ed.

The optimal LMS for an organization is the one that does what the organization needs for it to do. It seems that in the world of Virtual Learning, Blackboard is the best choice.

In the Blended learning environment, Edmodo is the leader.


Grading options in an LMS could be:
1) Numerical Grade
2) Alpha Grade
3)  Complete/ Incomplete
4) Pass / Fail

There are various levels within the grading options listed above. 

However, for the online instructor most likely there will be a need to convert the grades to a quantitative Numerical Grade reflecting the grading scale.


Within a LMS the tools which would be the most important are those which disseminates a clear under standing of the course, its content, resources to aid student in progressing through the course and how the student is positioned (evaluation/grades).

Therefore the following are important:

Enrollment Status
Courses and Content
Assessment  and Evaluation
Resources, Resources and Resources


I downloaded and used Coursesites by Blackboard.  It has a short learning curve.  The course I designed was Physics.  I uploaded the Syllabus, added a link for Physics Videos and created an assignment with links to the video and note-taking guides.


The was very informative.  I felt like a child in candy store.  I used Cisco Web Ex.  I had to download the software, very easy to do.

I did not use all the features for this assignment.  However, I did record the meeting.  The recording goes into a folder.  It takes a while to process the recording.  So I wasn't able to access it immediately.  However, when I went to the folder approximately 5 minutes later, I was able to see the video and hear the audio of the meeting.  Great!

One invitee was able to tell me what he experienced.  The email came in with a button titled 'join'.  He had to click on the button.  Enter a username and email.  He was kicked out because he was unable to do it on his iPhone.   So, he did not have his computer.


The following are what I believe to be the most relevant features offered in an LMS relating directly to effective online instruction:
Course Content
Course Assessment
Learning Object Repository

It is great to know that I have truly been preparing my students for the dissemination of college courses through my development of a blended classroom setting.

Features that allow the student to fully understand their responsibility and positioning in a class are the most relevant features, which should be offered in a classroom.

I am also a big believer in the asynchronous element of the classroom, which I like to refer to as 24 hour learning.  When the student is ready, the material is there. Even if it  is 3 am in the morning, the student has the capability of progressing through the course curriculum.


Lecture capture is something that is generally done with teachers on YouTube.  The resource is great because student have access to the lecture at their convenience.

Lecture capture modifies teaching methods by allowing the teacher to develop a portfolio of course resources that are content specific.  In addition, the resources can serve as remediation for some students and enrichment for others.  The student does not have to wait on the teacher for the upcoming lectures, they can move ahead on their own, progressing at their skill level.  


When discussing commercial vs. open virtual classrooms, I have a preference for commercial.  Commercial virtual classrooms are easier for me to operate and the IT support is readily available.  For example, I went to download Big Blue Button and was very perplexed by which download with to proceed.   

The presenter has to be comfortable with what they are using especially to troubleshoot possible questions that may arise with their audience.  Commercial products have this IT support built in the fee.  Therefore, IT support is a strength of the Commercial Virtual classrooms.