
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Parenting Has a Standard: Better Children, Better Schools, and Better Communities

Parenting has a standard. As a society, we have chosen to overlook parenting. Our children, our schools and our communities are suffering due to problems in parenting. We are not here to discuss and debate parenting styles. However, parenting has a standard. There are standard elements in parenting that must be adhered to and utilized. The elements are represented in the Household DNA Parenting Pyramid: Love, Peace, Protection, Provisions, Bless & Edify, Wisdom and Guidance.
Household DNA is a term that I have coined, which represents all the actions in a household sanctioning the behavior of a child. It includes but is not limited to words, behavior, values and beliefs developed and used in the home and those entering and allowed via visitors, activities, technology, etc.
The behavior of persons in a household is indicative of the Household DNA. If you want to change the child's behavior, you have to change the household DNA. We know this. We have always talked about exposure, extracurricular activities and other programs, interventions and strategies that enhance behavior.
If you analyze our efforts as a society to change the condition of a child, they tend to be outside influences targeting the child: school, youth programs and public assistance.

Newsflash: The child goes home to parents/guardians who determine the Household DNA. 

The parents through their words, actions, belief and uses of resources decide and control the Household DNA.

Our schools and our communities are reflections of our Household DNA.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phyllis, welcome to the blogosphere. I wish you the best with this effort and I hope that it has a significant impact.
